Our core mandate is to serve as an Employment Retraining Program.
We offer direct work experience, targeted skills and life-skills training, and community integration opportunities so our participants can...
- Overcome personal barriers, including addictions, that led to marginalization.
- Move away from dependent living (shelter, transitional housing) into independent housing and self-reliance.
- Be equipped for full-time employment and/or more advanced education.
- Pursue, secure and maintain meaningful, permanent work, or upgraded education.
- Become "beneficiaries" of a stable income, eliminate or reduce their reliance on social assistance, and achieve self-reliance and self-sufficiency as independent, productive members of the community.
"Beneficiaries" Before Our Services:
- Homeless or lacking independent housing.
- Unemployed and lacking key markers for employability.
- Marginalized, mainly due to current or recent past chemical (alcohol and/or drug) addictions.
- Lack of family or other human supports in the community.
- Significant additional barriers to employment, such as social assistance dependency, little or no financial resources, lack of recent work experience and/or formal education.
"Beneficiaries" After Our Services:
- Secure permanent (independent) housing.
- Secure meaningful full-time employment and/or enroll in advanced education.
- Positive ongoing supports in the community, including sponsor and other supports re: addictions recovery.
- "Beneficiaries" achieve a stable income, reliance on social assistance benefits eliminated or significantly reduced, and self-reliance and self-sufficiency achieved as an independent, productive member of the community.